Witloca Books Presents

Agnus Dingleberry's 'phenomenal' debut*

*as described by the man himself

@Manny.FuriousFull confession. I read a lot of poetry because it's not time consuming. When it comes to "creative" forms of writing, my attention span doesn't span much at all. My attention span's wingspan is like a penguin. It certainly doesn't fly. It just flaps and looks sort of cute. When I read, I generally like to learn things and philosophize. So, when it comes to prose, I mostly read nonfiction. Lots of long, boring books about philosophy and psychology and anthropology, and that sort of thing. That, for whatever reason keeps my attention.I bring all of this up, because it's a roundabout out way of telling you just how special @agnusdingleberry book, DETRITUS ABSURDITUS really is. It's a prose work of creativity that grabbed hold of my attention and put it in a chokehold. Agnus is an absurdist, so she's already a writer after my own heart, but, more than that, she's a GOOD absurdist and a GOOD writer. She understands absurdism to its core, and how to use it to express all the wonderfully stupid and superfluous mysteries of life.It's a difficult book to talk about in an Instagram post, because there's a lot to talk about. It's a collection of flash and short fiction, and, frankly, flash philosophy. The book takes as subject everything from suicidal moths, to british royalty attempting to interact with plebs in good faith, to the patriarchy, to Agnus herself, writing itself, and everything in between. But that description doesn't actually encompass the scope here. In one of my favorite pieces, a hero of a man named Gorgeous Jesus Caesarus Maximus Bonaparte is brought to a very non heroic end by something smaller than a thumb.What I can say is, one of the things that stands out is Agnus's skills as a writer. Her use of language reminds me of a Flann O'Brien, another glorious absurdist. There are even Vonnegut-like doodles interspersed throughout just to keep the reader even further entertained.I can discuss this book all day. And may even do a blog post on it. But do yourself a favor and buy this book so that we can get more books like it.

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